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# Load function definitions
  file.path("misc", "2d_lgcp_residuals_functions_sf.R"),
  package = "inlabru"


Point processes are useful for spatial data analysis and have wide applications in ecology, epidemiology, seismology, computational neuroscience, etc. Residual analysis is an effective assessment method for spatial point processes, which commonly takes a frequentist approach.

In this vignette, we will calculate residuals of some of the models from using a Bayesian approach to the residual methods in “Residual Analysis for spatial point processes” (Baddeley et al).

Theory of Residuals for Spatial point process models

Consider a spatial point pattern 𝐱={x1,,xn}\mathbf{x} = \{x_1, \dots, x_n \} of nn points in a bounded region WW of 2\mathbb{R}^2. For a model of a spatial point process 𝐗\mathbf{X} with probability density fθf_{\theta} and parameter θ\theta, the innovation process of the model is defined by Iθ(B)=n(𝐗B)Bλθ(u)du\begin{equation}\label{eq:innovations} I_{\theta}(B) = n(\mathbf{X} \cap B) - \int_B \lambda_{\theta} (u) \, du \end{equation} Here, Bλθ(u)du\int_B \lambda_{\theta}(u) \, du is the expected number of points of the fitted model in the bounded subset of BB. Innovations satisfy 𝔼θ[Iθ(B)]=0\mathbb{E}_{\theta} \left[ I_{\theta}(B)\right] = 0 .

Given data 𝐱\mathbf{x} of the model and that the parameter estimate is θ̂\hat{\theta}, the raw residuals are given by Rθ̂(B)=n(𝐱B)Bλ̂(u)du\begin{equation}\label{eq:raw residuals} R_{\hat{\theta}}(B) = n(\mathbf{x} \cap B) - \int_B \hat{\lambda}(u) \,du \end{equation}

Increments of the innovation process II and raw residuals of the Poisson processes RR are analogous to errors and raw residuals of linear models respectively.

Types of Residuals

We can scale the raw residual by scaling the increments of Rθ̂R_{\hat{\theta}}. \ The hh-weighted innovations are given by I(B,h,λ)=xi𝐗Bh(xi)Bh(u)λ(u)du\begin{equation}\label{eq:h innovations} I(B, h, \lambda) = \sum_{x_i \in \mathbf{X} \cap B} h(x_i) - \int_B h(u) \lambda(u) \,du \end{equation} This leads to the hh-weighted residuals R(B,ĥ,θ̂)=I(B,ĥ,λ̂)=xi𝐱Bh(xi)Bĥ(u)λ̂(u)du\begin{equation} \label{eq:h residuals} R(B, \hat{h}, \hat{\theta}) = I(B, \hat{h}, \hat{\lambda}) = \sum_{x_i \in \mathbf{x} \cap B} h(x_i) - \int_B \hat{h}(u) \hat{\lambda}(u)\,du \end{equation} Since the innovation has mean 0, a true model would yield 𝔼[R(B,ĥ,θ̂)]0. \mathbb{E}\left[R(B, \hat{h}, \hat{\theta})\right] \approx 0. Changing the choice of the weight function hh, yields different types of residuals.

Scaling Residuals

By taking h(u)=𝟏{uB}h(u) = \mathbf{1} \{ u \in B\}, we get the raw residuals: R(B,ĥ,θ̂)=I(B,ĥ,λ̂)=xi𝐱Bh(xi)Bĥ(u)λ̂(u)du=n(𝐱B)Bλ̂(u)du\begin{aligned} R(B, \hat{h}, \hat{\theta}) & = I(B, \hat{h}, \hat{\lambda}) = \sum_{x_i \in \mathbf{x} \cap B}h(x_i) - \int_B \hat{h}(u)\hat{\lambda}(u)\,du\\ & = n(\mathbf{x} \cap B) - \int_B \hat{\lambda}(u) \,du \end{aligned}

Inverse Residuals

By taking h(u)=1λ(u)h(u) = \frac{1}{\lambda (u)}, we may encounter the case where λ(u)=0\lambda(u) = 0. The GNZ-formula 𝔼[xi𝐗h(xi)]=𝔼[Wh(u)λ(u)du],\begin{equation} \mathbb{E}\left[ \sum_{x_i \in \mathbf{X}} h(x_i)\right] = \mathbb{E}\left[ \int_W h(u) \lambda(u) \,du \right], \end{equation} would still hold for the first terms of the hh-weighted residuals to exist. If we define h(u)λ(u)=0h(u) \lambda(u) = 0 for all uu such that λ(u)=0\lambda(u) = 0, then the second term of hh-weighted residuals will also exist and the inverse residual is given by R(B,1λ̂,θ̂)=xi𝐱Bĥ(xi)Bĥ(u)λ̂(u)du=xi𝐱B1λ̂(xi)B𝟏{xi𝐱}du\begin{aligned} R\left(B, \frac{1}{\hat{\lambda}}, \hat{\theta}\right) & = \sum_{x_i \in \mathbf{x} \cap B} \hat{h}(x_i) - \int_B \hat{h}(u) \hat{\lambda}(u) \,du \\ & = \sum_{x_i \in \mathbf{x} \cap B} \frac{1}{\hat{\lambda}(x_i)} - \int_B \mathbf{1} \{ x_i \in \mathbf{x} \} \,du \end{aligned}

Pearson Residuals

By using h(u)=1λ(u)h(u) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{\lambda(u)}}, the Pearson residual is given by R(B,1λ̂,θ̂)=xi𝐱Bĥ(xi)Bĥ(u)λ̂(u)du=xi𝐱B1λ̂(xi)Bλ̂(u)du\begin{aligned} R\left( B, \frac{1}{\sqrt{\hat{\lambda}}}, \hat{\theta} \right) & = \sum_{x_i \in \mathbf{x} \cap B} \hat{h}(x_i) - \int_B \hat{h}(u) \hat{\lambda}(u) \,du \\ & = \sum_{x_i \in \mathbf{x} \cap B} \frac{1}{\sqrt{\hat{\lambda}(x_i)}} - \int_B \sqrt{\hat{\lambda}(u)} \,du \end{aligned}

Here, zero values of λ̂(u)\hat{\lambda}(u) do not cause any issues with calculating residuals as we set ĥ(u)λ̂(u)=λ̂(u)\hat{h}(u) \hat{\lambda}(u) = \sqrt{\hat{\lambda}(u)} for all uu.

So the three types of residuals are: Scaled:R(B,ĥ,θ̂)=n(𝐱B)Bλ̂(u)duInverse:R(B,1λ̂,θ̂)=xi𝐱B1λ̂(xi)B𝟏{xi𝐱}duPearson:R(B,1λ̂,θ̂)=xi𝐱B1λ̂(xi)Bλ̂(u)du\begin{eqnarray} \text{Scaled:} \qquad & R(B, \hat{h}, \hat{\theta}) & = n(\mathbf{x} \cap B) - \int_B \hat{\lambda}(u) \,du \\ \text{Inverse:} \qquad & R\left(B, \frac{1}{\hat{\lambda}}, \hat{\theta}\right) & = \sum_{x_i \in \mathbf{x} \cap B} \frac{1}{\hat{\lambda}(x_i)} - \int_B \mathbf{1} \{ x_i \in \mathbf{x} \} \,du \\ \text{Pearson:} \qquad & R\left( B, \frac{1}{\sqrt{\hat{\lambda}}},\hat{\theta} \right) & = \sum_{x_i \in \mathbf{x} \cap B} \frac{1}{\sqrt{\hat{\lambda}(x_i)}} - \int_B \sqrt{\hat{\lambda}(u)} \,du \end{eqnarray}

Note that λ̂(u)\hat{\lambda}(u) and ĥ(u)\hat{h}(u) are estimates of λ(u)\lambda (u) and h(u)h(u) respectively

Motivation for choice of residuals

The scaling residuals are nothing but the raw residuals and hence depict the residual data as is. However, the Pearson residuals use a weighted function h(u)=1λ(u)h(u) = \frac{1}{\lambda(u)} so this helps to obtain normalised residuals since the denominator accounts for variance of the residuals and hence makes it reliable for any sample size.

The use of the inverse residual in this project is less clear. However, we do know that it is easier to compute this residual since we have the GNZ formula to estimate the value of $h(u) = for any value λ(u)\lambda(u).

For notation’s sake in this discussion, let hs(u),hi(u),hp(u)h_{s}(u), h_{i}(u), h_p(u) indicate the weight function for scaling, inverse and Pearson residuals respectively. Then, hs(u)=𝟏{uB}h_s(u) = \mathbf{1}\{u \in B\}, hi(u)=1λ(u)h_i(u) = \frac{1}{\lambda(u)}, hp(u)=1λ(u)h_p(u) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{\lambda(u)}}. We can also see that hs(u)=(hi(u))0h_s(u) = \left(h_i(u)\right)^0 and hp(u)=(hi(u))1/2h_p(u) = \left(h_i(u)\right)^{1/2}, so the values of the Pearson residuals would lie somewhere between the other two residuals. So, in our case, the inverse residuals would not be very useful, but we do find that they are easier to compute by hand in terms of estimates.

Computation of Residuals

In this vignette, the residuals of some models from are computed using a Bayesian approach of the residuals described above. This is done using the inlabru package. The models used are:

  • Model 1 (Vegetation Model): The model is defined such that the gorilla nests have vegetation type as a fixed covariate.

  • Model 2 (Elevation Model): The model is defined such that the gorilla nests have elevation as a continuous variable.

  • Model 3 (Intercept Model): The model is defined such that the gorilla nests have a constant effect.

  • Model 4 (SPDE Smooth type model): The model is defined such that the gorilla nests depend on an SPDE type smooth function.

The functions used to calculate the residuals of these models are given in the Code appendix at the end of this vignette.

Loading gorillas data

This vignette uses the gorillas dataset from the “inlabru” package in R for modelling spatial Poisson processes. Here, the ``inlabru” package uses Latent Gaussian Cox Processes to model the data using different model definitions.

# Load data
gorillas <- inlabru::gorillas_sf
nests <- gorillas$nests
mesh <- gorillas$mesh
boundary <- gorillas$boundary
gcov <- gorillas_sf_gcov()

Initially, the set BB is defines as B=WB=W, where WW is the object boundary. The function prepare_residual_calculations() is defined to compute a data frame of observations xix_i and sample points uWu \in W to compute the residual, a matrix A_sum that helps to calculate the summation term of the residual and a matrix A_integrate that helps to calculate the integral term of the residual.

The function residual_df is defined to compute all three types of residuals for a given model and choice of BB given a set of observations.

# Define the subset B
B <- boundary

# Store the required matrices and data frames for residual computation
As <- prepare_residual_calculations(
  samplers = B, domain = mesh,
  observations = nests

Assessing 4 models with residuals

Vegetation Model

This model is taken from . The model is defined such that the gorilla nests have vegetation type as a fixed covariate.

The code chunk below shows how the model is defined by lgcp() and also displays the model in the form of a plot. The residuals of the model are also computed where B=WB = W.

# Define the vegetation model
comp1 <- geometry ~
  vegetation(gcov$vegetation, model = "factor_contrast") + Intercept(1)

fit1 <- lgcp(comp1, nests,
  samplers = boundary,
  domain = list(geometry = mesh)

# Display the model
int1 <- predict(fit1,
  newdata = fm_pixels(mesh, mask = boundary, format = "sf"),
  ~ exp(vegetation + Intercept)
ggplot() +
  gg(int1, geom = "tile") +
  gg(boundary, alpha = 0, lwd = 2) +
  gg(nests, color = "DarkGreen")

# Calculate the residuals for the vegetation model
veg_res <- residual_df(
  fit1, As$df, expression(exp(vegetation + Intercept)),
  As$A_sum, As$A_integrate
  edit_df(veg_res, c("Type", "mean.mc_std_err", "sd.mc_std_err", "median"))
mean sd q0.025 q0.5 q0.975
Scaling_Residuals 1.4653370 23.692639 -42.942891 1.3613198 41.928990
Inverse_Residuals 0.4478897 1.250216 -1.530183 0.4857758 2.847294
Pearson_Residuals 0.9239642 4.000837 -5.849988 0.7914673 8.249567

Note: The data frame produced by residual_df() originally contains the columns Type, mean.mc_std_err, sd.mc_std_err and median which have been removed in all the tables in the vignette to highlight only essential and non-recurring data. This editing of the data frames is done by the function edit_df.

Elevation model

This model is also taken from . The model is defined such that the gorilla nests have elevation as a continuous variable.

The code chunk below shows how the model is defined by lgcp() and also displays the model in the form of a plot.

# Define the Elevation model
comp2 <- geometry ~ elev(elev, model = "linear") +
  mySmooth(geometry, model = matern) + Intercept(1)

fit2 <- lgcp(comp2, nests,
  samplers = boundary,
  domain = list(geometry = mesh)

# Display the model
int2 <- predict(
  fm_pixels(mesh, mask = boundary, format = "sf"),
  ~ exp(elev + mySmooth + Intercept)
ggplot() +
  gg(int2, geom = "tile") +
  gg(boundary, alpha = 0) +
  gg(nests, shape = "+")

The residuals of the model when B=WB = W are given below:

mean sd q0.025 q0.5 q0.975
Scaling_Residuals -23.772330 24.458975 -79.57240 -21.647475 16.926478
Inverse_Residuals -8.308622 1.803555 -10.84483 -8.486223 -4.379607
Pearson_Residuals -10.895445 3.488305 -17.91195 -10.663240 -3.835847

Intercept Model

This model is also taken from . The model is defined such that the gorilla nests have a constant effect.

The code chunk below shows how the model is defined by like() and also displays the model in the form of a plot. The residuals of the model are also computed where B=WB = W.

# Define the Intercept model. Need to explicitly extend it to match the
# data size to use it in spatial predictions.
comp3 <- geometry ~ Intercept(rep(1, nrow(.data.)))
lik3 <- like(
  geometry ~ .,
  data = nests,
  samplers = boundary,
  domain = list(geometry = mesh),
  family = "cp"
fit3 <- bru(comp3, lik3)

# Display the model
int3 <- predict(
  fm_pixels(mesh, mask = boundary, format = "sf"),
  ~ exp(Intercept)
ggplot() +
  gg(int3, geom = "tile") +
  gg(boundary, alpha = 0) +
  gg(nests, shape = "+")

The residuals of the model when B=WB = W are given below:

mean sd q0.025 q0.5 q0.975
Scaling_Residuals 5.1067502 26.2195088 -47.649398 4.2616563 49.249210
Inverse_Residuals 0.1912440 0.8204651 -1.363097 0.1317721 1.637712
Pearson_Residuals 0.9924548 4.6340923 -8.059195 0.7493781 8.980855

Smooth Model

This model is also taken from . The model is defined such that the gorilla nests depend on an SPDE type smooth function.

The code chunk below shows how the model is defined by lgcp() and also displays the model in the form of a plot. The residuals of the model are also computed where B=WB = W.

# Define the Smooth model
comp4 <- geometry ~ mySmooth(geometry, model = matern) +
fit4 <- lgcp(comp4, nests,
  samplers = boundary,
  domain = list(geometry = mesh)

# Display the model
int4 <- predict(
  fm_pixels(mesh, mask = boundary, format = "sf"),
  ~ exp(mySmooth + Intercept)
ggplot() +
  gg(int4, geom = "tile") +
  gg(boundary, alpha = 0) +
  gg(nests, shape = "+")

The residuals of the model when B=WB = W are given below:

mean sd q0.025 q0.5 q0.975
Scaling_Residuals -20.551544 25.997561 -64.39365 -22.236839 31.560925
Inverse_Residuals -8.623194 1.608387 -10.84318 -9.048412 -4.856431
Pearson_Residuals -10.988665 3.781545 -18.59586 -11.300690 -3.657927

Comparing models

Firstly, from the plots of the four models, we see that there are visual similarities in what the Elevation and smooth models appear to be. So, we would expect that these two models show similar trends in residuals.

Redefining the set B

Consider defining a new type of set BB which consists of two subpolygons within the boundary. This is done by the partition() function which divides a polygon into grids based on number of rows and columns or by a desired resolution. The code chunk below demonstrates a use of the function for dividing the polygon and calculating the residuals for this choice of BB.

# Create a grid for B partitioned into two
B1 <- partition(samplers = boundary, nrows = 1, ncols = 2)
plot(B1, main = "Two partitions of B")

As1 <- prepare_residual_calculations(
  samplers = B1, domain = mesh,
  observations = nests
# Residuals for the vegetation model
veg_res2 <- residual_df(
  fit1, As1$df, expression(exp(vegetation + Intercept)),
  As1$A_sum, As1$A_integrate
knitr::kable(edit_df(veg_res2, c(
  "Type", "mean.mc_std_err",
  "sd.mc_std_err", "median"
mean sd q0.025 q0.5 q0.975
Scaling_Residuals.1 42.944775 16.0724854 14.536537 41.184203 77.045077
Scaling_Residuals.2 -43.007803 9.1811356 -60.239052 -43.959780 -25.104847
Inverse_Residuals.1 5.296596 1.0698172 3.566037 5.187009 7.436139
Inverse_Residuals.2 -4.874007 0.4265151 -5.657571 -4.848271 -4.180039
Pearson_Residuals.1 15.535516 2.7594257 10.654931 15.367492 20.708145
Pearson_Residuals.2 -14.838106 1.6374951 -17.654064 -14.807855 -11.517230

Here, it can be seen that there are two lines of residual data for each type of residual. This signifies that the residual_df function has calculated residuals for each partition. To compare these residuals effectively, a function residual_plot() is defined that plots the residuals for each corresponding polygon of B. This is discussed later in the vignette.

Another type of partitioning is considered with three sections of the region and its residuals are as displayed below:

mean sd q0.025 q0.5 q0.975
Scaling_Residuals.1 69.944687 8.1445335 54.1726610 69.694787 86.362912
Scaling_Residuals.2 -22.004387 16.7733297 -53.6759424 -24.044202 11.918610
Scaling_Residuals.3 -46.482114 4.2813189 -53.5881641 -46.401446 -39.331599
Inverse_Residuals.1 2.898457 0.7075116 1.8680603 2.867702 4.108790
Inverse_Residuals.2 2.965711 0.6842933 1.8959351 2.955536 4.229140
Inverse_Residuals.3 -5.452658 0.0504370 -5.5301022 -5.459400 -5.350368
Pearson_Residuals.1 11.568354 1.7865730 8.6016401 11.522305 14.669570
Pearson_Residuals.2 4.504964 2.2147933 0.1609982 4.546663 8.821767
Pearson_Residuals.3 -15.289478 0.8186900 -16.6393599 -15.344331 -13.945423

Residuals of models at different resolutions

Consider two more resolutions of BB, given in the plots below. Here we use the resolution argument instead of nrow and ncol. Due to the way terra::rast() interprets the arguments, using resolution doesn’t guarantee complete coverage of the samplers polygon.

Using these two new choices of BB, the residuals are calculated for all four models at both resolutions using residual_df().

The functions set_csc() and residual_plot() are defined to plot the three types of residuals for the model for each partition in BB. The code chunk below demonstrates how this plotting is done for the vegetation model at resolution B=B3B = B_3. Here, it is useful for each type of residual to have the same colour scale at both resolutions.

# Residuals of Vegetation model
Residual_fit1_B3 <- residual_df(
  model = fit1, df = As3$df,
  expr = expression(exp(vegetation + Intercept)), A_sum = As3$A_sum,
  A_integrate = As3$A_integrate

Residual_fit1_B4 <- residual_df(
  model = fit1, df = As4$df,
  expr = expression(exp(vegetation + Intercept)), A_sum = As4$A_sum,
  A_integrate = As4$A_integrate

# Colour scales for each model to cover both resolutions
fit1_csc <- set_csc(rbind(Residual_fit1_B3, Residual_fit1_B4), rep("RdBu", 3))

# Store plots
plotB3_fit1 <- residual_plot(B3, Residual_fit1_B3, fit1_csc, "Vegetation Model")
plotB4_fit1 <- residual_plot(B4, Residual_fit1_B4, fit1_csc, "Vegetation Model")

# comparing the vegetation model
((plotB3_fit1$Scaling | plotB3_fit1$Inverse | plotB3_fit1$Pearson) /
  (plotB4_fit1$Scaling | plotB4_fit1$Inverse | plotB4_fit1$Pearson)) +
  plot_annotation(title = "Vegetation Model") +
  plot_layout(guides = "collect") &
  theme(legend.position = "bottom")

Comparing different types of residuals for each model

Now, the plots below help to compare the residuals for each model at two resolutions of BB for each type of residual.


In this section, we discuss some of the findings from the output in the code. A relevant point that would be used repeatedly in this discussion is that since the colour scales for the residuals are chosen so that negative and positive values are in hues of red and blue respectively, negative and positive residuals imply an overestimation and underestimation of gorilla nests by the model respectively. Thus, red regions in a plot would imply overestimation of gorilla nests by the model in that region and blue regions in a plot would imply underestimation of gorilla nests by the model in that region.

A common observation for all models is that the scaling residuals seem to have the highest range among the residuals since they are direct interpretations of residuals for all models. Also, the Pearson residuals seem to take values between the scaling and inverse residuals for both resolutions of all four models. However, for almost all types of residuals for each model, the positive and negative residual values are not very extreme for the B3B_3 resolution but these corresponding residual values are more extreme at the B4B_4 resolution for each type of residual. This could be because of the bias in the ``experimental” mode of which is explored at other points in this project.

For the vegetation and intercept model, the regions which have negative and positive residuals remain the same for all residuals at different levels for each type of residual. Also, it seems that the north and north-west region of both models are underestimated by the model while the remaining regions are overestimated by the model at different levels.

For the elevation model, each type of residual has slight variations in negative and positive residuals for corresponding regions in a fixed resolution. This means that different residuals suggest that a particular polygon in overestimated and underestimated by the model. However, this happens only at a few points and is not containing extremes of the residuals in the same regions. The Pearson residuals are supposedly the most reliable in this case as they are normalised residuals. All three types of residuals contain larger proportions of negative residuals which suggest that the model overestimates the gorilla population the region (at different amounts in different regions).

Comparing different models for each type of residual

Another way to compare residuals, is to consider each type of residual separately and plot the residuals for all four models at each resolution. This helps to compare the models for a given type of residual and choice of BB. Here, it is useful to have the same colour scale for all the 4 models.

The code chunk below demonstrates the code for plotting the “Pearson” residuals when B=B4B = B_4.

# Calculate the residuals for all models at B4
Residual_fit1_B4 <- residual_df(
  model = fit1, df = As4$df,
  expr = expression(exp(vegetation + Intercept)), A_sum = As4$A_sum,
  A_integrate = As4$A_integrate

Residual_fit2_B4 <- residual_df(
  model = fit2, df = As4$df,
  expr = expression(exp(elev + mySmooth + Intercept)),
  A_sum = As4$A_sum, A_integrate = As4$A_integrate

Residual_fit3_B4 <- residual_df(
  model = fit3, df = As4$df,
  expr = expression(exp(Intercept)), A_sum = As4$A_sum,
  A_integrate = As4$A_integrate

Residual_fit4_B4 <- residual_df(
  model = fit4, df = As4$df,
  expr = expression(exp(mySmooth + Intercept)), A_sum = As4$A_sum,
  A_integrate = As4$A_integrate

# Set the colour scale
B4res <- rbind(
  Residual_fit1_B4, Residual_fit2_B4,
  Residual_fit3_B4, Residual_fit4_B4
B4csc <- set_csc(B4res, rep("RdBu", 3))

# Plots for residuals of all 4 models with resolution B4
plotB4_veg <- residual_plot(B4, Residual_fit1_B4, B4csc, "Vegetation Model")
plotB4_elev <- residual_plot(B4, Residual_fit2_B4, B4csc, "Elevation Model")
plotB4_int <- residual_plot(B4, Residual_fit3_B4, B4csc, "Intercept Model")
plotB4_smooth <- residual_plot(B4, Residual_fit4_B4, B4csc, "Smooth Model")

# Comparing all models for B4 Pearson residuals
((plotB4_veg$Pearson | plotB4_elev$Pearson) /
  (plotB4_int$Pearson | plotB4_smooth$Pearson)) +
  plot_annotation("B4 Pearson Residuals") +
  plot_layout(guides = "collect") &
  theme(legend.position = "bottom")

Now, the plots below help to compare all 4 models at a particular choice of BB and for a chosen residual type.


Firstly, a common feature in each of the three figures is that the residual plots for the vegetation and intercept models are relatively similar and those of the elevation and smooth models are relatively similar as well for both resolutions for any type of residual. Also, for a fixed type of residual and a chosen model, the B3B_3 residuals are less extreme compared to the B4B_4 residuals, plausibly owing to the bias in the ``experimental” mode in . Another feature in all three types of residuals is that the elevation and intercept model have less extreme residual values compared to the vegetation and intercept models for a given type of residual. This could suggest that the former two are better models for gorilla nesting in the given region. The residual values have a wider range when B=B4B=B_4 than when B=B3B = B_3.

For the scaling residuals and the Pearson residuals, the elevation and smooth models have less extreme values of residuals relative the vegetation and intercept models. This suggests that the elevation and smooth models are more suited to estimating the gorilla nesting locations in WW. Also, there is a significant underestimation in the north-west areas by the vegetation and intercept models while the same areas are not underestimated by the other two models. However, as explored in , these residuals are calculated in the ``experimental” mode of which produces some overestimates in these two models, so this must be kept in mind while reaching to conclusions about a suitable model for nesting locations.

For the inverse residuals, the same observations hold, except the residuals for the elevation and smooth models have residuals that are not significantly less extreme relative to the vegetation and intercept models as seen in the case of the Pearson and scaling residuals for both resolutions B3B_3 and B4B_4.

Code appendix

Function definitions

# Niharika Reddy Peddinenikalva
# Vacation Scholarship project
# Updated for sf by Finn Lindgren 2024


#' ----------------------------------
#' prepare_residual_calculations
#' ----------------------------------
#' Computes the A_sum, A_integrate matrices and the data frame used for
#' calculating the residuals for the given set of polygons B

#' Input:
#' @param samplers `sf` polygons containing partitions for which
#' residuals are to be calculated
#' @param domain A mesh object
#' @param observations `sf` points containing observed data
#' Output:
#' @return A_sum - matrix used to compute the summation term of the residuals
#' @return A_integrate - matrix used to compute the integral term
#' @return df - `sf` containing all the locations 'u' for
#' calculating residuals
prepare_residual_calculations <- function(samplers, domain, observations) {
  # Calculate the integration weights for A_integrate
  ips <- fm_int(domain = domain, samplers = samplers)

  # Set-up the A_integrate matrix
  # A_integrate has as many rows as polygons in the samplers,
  # as many columns as mesh points
  A_integrate <- inla.spde.make.A(
    mesh = domain, ips, weights = ips$weight,
    block = ips$.block, block.rescale = "none"

  # Set-up the A_sum matrix
  # A_sum has as many rows as polygons in the samplers,
  # as many columns as observed points
  # each row has 1s for the points in the corresponding polygon
  idx <- sf::st_within(
    sparse = TRUE
  A_sum <- sparseMatrix(
    i = unlist(idx),
    j = rep(
      vapply(idx, length, 1L)
    x = rep(1, length(unlist(idx))),
    dims = c(nrow(samplers), nrow(observations))

  # Setting up the data frame for calculating residuals
  observations$obs <- TRUE
  df <- st_as_sf(
      obs = rep(FALSE, domain$n),
      x = domain$loc[, 1],
      y = domain$loc[, 2]
    coords = c("x", "y"),
    crs = fm_crs(domain)
  df <- dplyr::bind_rows(df, observations)

  # Return A-sum, A_integrate and the data frame for predicting the residuals
  list(A_sum = A_sum, A_integrate = A_integrate, df = df)

#' ------------
#' residual_df
#' ------------
#' Computes the three types if residuals and returns a data frame containing
#' information about all 3 residuals for each partition of 'B'
#' Inputs:
#' @param model fitted model for which residuals need to be calculated
#' @param df SpatialPointsDataFrame object containing all the locations 'u'
#' for calculating residuals
#' @param expr an expression object containing the formula of the model
#' @param A_sum matrix used to compute the summation term of the residuals
#' @param A_integrate matrix that computes the integral term of the residuals
#' Outputs:
#' @return Data frame containing residual information for each of the
#' partitions of the subset 'B'

residual_df <- function(model, df, expr, A_sum, A_integrate) {
  # Compute residuals
  res <- predict(
    object = model,
    newdata = df,
    ~ {
      lambda <- eval(expr)
      h1 <- lambda * 0 + 1
      h2 <- 1 / lambda
      h3 <- 1 / sqrt(lambda)
        Scaling_Residuals =
          as.vector(A_sum %*% h1[obs]) -
            as.vector(A_integrate %*% (h1 * lambda)[!obs]),
        Inverse_Residuals =
          as.vector(A_sum %*% h2[obs]) -
            as.vector(A_integrate %*% (h2 * lambda)[!obs]),
        Pearson_Residuals =
          as.vector(A_sum %*% h3[obs]) -
            as.vector(A_integrate %*% (h3 * lambda)[!obs])
    used = bru_used(expr)

  # Label the three types of residuals
  res$Scaling_Residuals$Type <- "Scaling Residuals"
  res$Inverse_Residuals$Type <- "Inverse Residuals"
  res$Pearson_Residuals$Type <- "Pearson Residuals", res)

#' --------------
#' set_csc
#' --------------
#' Sets the colour scale for the three types of residuals
#' Inputs:
#' @param residuals frame containing residual information for each of the
#' partitions of the subset 'B'
#' @param col_theme vector of themes for each type of residual
#' Outputs:
#' @return a list of 3 colour scales for each type of residual

set_csc <- function(residuals, col_theme) {
  # Store data for the colour scale of the plots for each type of residual
  cscrange <- data.frame(
    residuals %>%
      group_by(Type) %>%
      summarise(maxabs = max(abs(mean)))

  # Set the colour scale for all three types of residuals
  scaling_csc <-
      colours = brewer.pal(9, col_theme[1]),
      name = "Scaling Residual",
      limits =
        cscrange[cscrange$Type == "Scaling Residuals", 2] *
          c(-1, 1)

  inverse_csc <-
      colours = brewer.pal(9, col_theme[2]),
      name = "Inverse Residual",
      limits =
        cscrange[cscrange$Type == "Inverse Residuals", 2] *
          c(-1, 1)

  pearson_csc <-
      colours = brewer.pal(9, col_theme[3]),
      name = "Pearson Residual",
      limits =
        cscrange[cscrange$Type == "Pearson Residuals", 2] *
          c(-1, 1)

  list("Scaling" = scaling_csc,
       "Inverse" = inverse_csc,
       "Pearson" = pearson_csc)

#' ---------------
#' residual_plot
#' ---------------
#' plots the three types of residuals for each polygon
#' Input:
#' @param samplers A SpatialPolygonsDataFrame containing partitions for which
#' residuals are to be calculated
#' @param residuals frame containing residual information for each of the
#' partitions of the subset 'B'
#' @param csc list of three colour scales for the three types of residuals
#' @param model_name string containing the name of the model being assessed
#' Output:
#' @return a list of three subplots scaling, inverse and Pearson residuals
#' for the different partitions of samplers

residual_plot <- function(samplers, residuals, csc, model_name) {
  # Initialise the scaling residuals plot
  samplers$Residual <- residuals %>%
    filter(Type == "Scaling Residuals") %>%
  scaling <- ggplot() +
    gg(samplers, aes(fill = Residual), alpha = 1, colour = NA) +
    csc["Scaling"] +
    theme(legend.position = "bottom") +
    labs(subtitle = paste(model_name, "Scaling"))

  # Initialise the inverse residuals plot
  samplers$Residual <- residuals %>%
    filter(Type == "Inverse Residuals") %>%
  inverse <- ggplot() +
    gg(samplers, aes(fill = Residual), alpha = 1, colour = NA) +
    csc["Inverse"] +
    theme(legend.position = "bottom") +
    labs(subtitle = paste(model_name, "Inverse"))

  # Initialise the Pearson residuals plot
  samplers$Residual <- residuals %>%
    filter(Type == "Pearson Residuals") %>%
  pearson <- ggplot() +
    gg(samplers, aes(fill = Residual), alpha = 1, colour = NA) +
    csc["Pearson"] +
    theme(legend.position = "bottom") +
    labs(subtitle = paste(model_name, "Pearson"))

  # Return the three plots in a list
    Scaling = scaling, Inverse = inverse,
    Pearson = pearson

#' ------------------
#' partition
#' ------------------
#' Partitions the region based on the given criteria for calculating residuals
#' in each partition. Parts of this function are taken from concepts in
#' Input:
#' @param samplers A SpatialPolygonsDataFrame containing region for which
#' partitions need to be created
#' @param resolution resolution of the grids that are required
#' @param nrows number of rows of grids that are required
#' @param ncols number of columns of grids that are required
#' Output:
#' @return a partitioned SpatialPolygonsDataFrame as required
partition <- function(samplers, resolution = NULL, nrows = NULL, ncols = NULL) {
  # Create a grid for the given boundary
  if (is.null(resolution)) {
    grid <- terra::rast(
      crs = fm_proj4string(samplers),
      nrows = nrows, ncols = ncols

  if (is.null(c(nrows, ncols))) {
    grid <- terra::rast(
      crs = fm_proj4string(samplers),
      resolution = resolution

  gridPolygon <- terra::as.polygons(grid)

  # Extract the boundary with subpolygons only

#' ------------------
#' edit_df
#' ------------------
#' Edits the residual data frames to remove columns that need not be displayed
#' Input:
#' @param df the data frame which needs to be edited
#' @param columns a vector of columns that need to be deleted from df
#' Output:
#' @return the edited data frame with only the desired columns
edit_df <- function(df, columns) {
  # Remove the columns that are not required
  df[, !(colnames(df) %in% columns), drop = FALSE]