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Some of these functions may stil attempt to do their job, but will be removed in a future version.




row_kron(M1, M2, repl = NULL, n.repl = NULL, weights = NULL)



Usually passed on to other methods


A matrix that can be transformed into a sparse Matrix.


A matrix that can be transformed into a sparse Matrix.


An optional index vector. For each entry, specifies which replicate the row belongs to, in the sense used in INLA::inla.spde.make.A


The maximum replicate index, in the sense used in INLA::inla.spde.make.A().


Optional scaling weights to be applied row-wise to the resulting matrix.


  • gmap(): Plot a map using extent of a spatial object

    [Deprecated] This function is deprecated as ggmap isn't supported.

    Used ggmap::get_map() to query map services like Google Maps for a region centered around the spatial object provided. Then calls ggmap() to plot the map.

    This function required the ggmap package.

  • gm(): [Deprecated] This function is deprecated as ggmap isn't supported.

    ggplot geom for spatial data

    gm is a wrapper for the gg method. It will take the first argument and transform its coordinate system to latitude and longitude. Thereafter, gg is called using the transformed data and the arguments provided via .... gm is intended to replace gg whenever the data is supposed to be plotted over a spatial map generated by gmap, which only works if the coordinate system is latitude/longitude.

  • row_kron(): Row-wise Kronecker products [Deprecated] in favour of fmesher::fm_row_kron().

    Takes two Matrices and computes the row-wise Kronecker product. Optionally applies row-wise weights and/or applies an additional 0/1 row-wise Kronecker matrix product.

    Returns a Matrix::sparseMatrix object.


Finn Lindgren