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Draws four panels of convergence diagnostics for an iterated INLA method estimation


bru_convergence_plot(x, from = 1, to = NULL)



a bru object, typically a result from bru() for a nonlinear predictor model

from, to

integer values for the range of iterations to plot. Default from = 1 (start from the first iteration) and to = NULL (end at the last iteration). Set from = 0 to include the initial linearisation point in the track plot.


A ggplot object with four panels of convergence diagnostics:

  • Tracks: Mode and linearisation values for each effect

  • Mode - Lin: Difference between mode and linearisation values for each effect

  • |Change| / sd: Absolute change in mode and linearisation values divided by the standard deviation for each effect

  • Change & sd: Absolute change in mode and linearisation values and standard deviation for each effect

For multidimensional components, only the overall average, maximum, and minimum values are shown.


Requires the "dplyr", "ggplot2", "magrittr", and "patchwork" packages to be installed.

See also


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
fit <- bru(...)
} # }