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Mesh construction

domain <- cbind(rnorm(4, sd = 3), rnorm(4))
(mesh2 <- fm_mesh_2d(
  boundary = fm_extensions(domain, c(2.5, 5)),
  max.edge = c(0.5, 2)
#> fm_mesh_2d object:
#>   Manifold:  R2
#>   V / E / T: 880 / 2598 / 1719
#>   Euler char.:   1
#>   Constraints:   Boundary: 39 boundary edges (1 group: 1), Interior: 111 interior edges (1 group: 1)
#>   Bounding box: (-11.963110,  8.246925) x (-5.522181, 5.499657)
#>   Basis d.o.f.:  880
(mesh1 <- fm_mesh_1d(
  c(0, 2, 4, 7, 10),
  boundary = "free", # c("neumann", "dirichlet"),
  degree = 2
#> fm_mesh_1d object:
#>   Manifold:  R1
#>   #{knots}:  5
#>   Interval:  ( 0, 10)
#>   Boundary:  (free, free)
#>   B-spline degree:   2
#>   Basis d.o.f.:  6

Point lookup and evaluation

pts <- cbind(rnorm(400, sd = 3), rnorm(400))

# Find what triangle each point is in, and its triangular Barycentric
# coordinates
bary <- fm_bary(mesh2, loc = pts)
#> # A tibble: 6 × 2
#>   index where[,1]  [,2]  [,3]
#>   <int>     <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1   817    0.0472 0.581 0.371
#> 2  1403    0.139  0.722 0.139
#> 3   982    0.432  0.138 0.430
#> 4  1096    0.201  0.372 0.427
#> 5   966    0.213  0.369 0.419
#> 6   155    0.444  0.174 0.382
# How many points are outside the mesh?
#> [1] 2
bary$where[$index), ]
#>      [,1] [,2] [,3]
#> [1,]   NA   NA   NA
#> [2,]   NA   NA   NA

# Evaluate basis functions
basis <- fm_basis(mesh2, loc = pts) # Raw SparseMatrix
basis_object <- fm_basis(mesh2, loc = pts, full = TRUE) # fm_basis object
#> [1] 2

# Construct an evaluator object
evaluator <- fm_evaluator(mesh2, loc = pts)
sum(!fm_basis(evaluator, full = TRUE)$ok)
#> [1] 2

# Values for the basis function weights; for ordinary 2d meshes this coincides
# with the resulting values at the vertices, but this is not true for e.g.
# 2nd order B-splines on 1d meshes.
field <- mesh2$loc[, 1]
value <- fm_evaluate(evaluator, field = field)
sum(abs(pts[, 1] - value), na.rm = TRUE)
#> [1] 5.438358e-14
pts1 <- seq(-2, 12, length.out = 1000)

# Find what segment, and its interval Barycentric coordinates
bary1 <- fm_bary(mesh1, loc = pts1)
# Points outside the interval are treated differently depending on the
# boundary conditions:
#> [1] 0
#> # A tibble: 6 × 2
#>   index where[,1]   [,2]
#>   <int>     <dbl>  <dbl>
#> 1     1      2    -1    
#> 2     1      1.99 -0.993
#> 3     1      1.99 -0.986
#> 4     1      1.98 -0.979
#> 5     1      1.97 -0.972
#> 6     1      1.96 -0.965

# Evaluate basis functions
basis1 <- fm_basis(mesh1, loc = pts1) # Raw SparseMatrix
basis1_object <- fm_basis(mesh1, loc = pts1, full = TRUE) # fm_basis object
#> [1] 0

# Construct an evaluator object.
evaluator1 <- fm_evaluator(mesh1, loc = pts1)
# mesh_1d basis functions are defined everywhere
sum(!fm_basis(evaluator1, full = TRUE)$ok)
#> [1] 0

# Values for the basis function weights; for ordinary 2d meshes this coincides
# with the resulting values at the vertices, but this is not true for e.g.
# 2nd order B-splines on 1d meshes.
field1 <- rnorm(fm_dof(mesh1))
value1 <- fm_evaluate(evaluator1, field = field1)
plot(pts1, value1, type = "l")
Evaluated 1D function

Evaluated 1D function


Base graphics

2D triangulation mesh (base graphics version)

2D triangulation mesh (base graphics version)

ggplot graphics

2D triangulation mesh (ggplot version)

2D triangulation mesh (ggplot version)

ggplot() +
  geom_fm(data = mesh1, weights = field1 + 2, xlim = c(-2, 12)) +
  geom_fm(data = mesh1, linetype = 2, alpha = 0.5, xlim = c(-2, 12))
1D B-spline function space basis functions with evaluated function (ggplot version)

1D B-spline function space basis functions with evaluated function (ggplot version)

Finite element calculations

fem1 <- fm_fem(mesh1, order = 2)
#> [1] "c0"  "c1"  "g1"  "g2"  "g01" "g02" "g12"
fem2 <- fm_fem(mesh2, order = 2)
#> [1] "b1" "c0" "c1" "g1" "g2" "k1" "k2" "ta" "va"

Stochastic process simulation

samp <- fm_matern_sample(mesh2, alpha = 2, rho = 4, sigma = 1)[, 1]
evaluator <- fm_evaluator(
  lattice = fm_evaluator_lattice(mesh2, dims = c(150, 50))
image(evaluator$x, evaluator$y, fm_evaluate(evaluator, field = samp), asp = 1)
Simulated 2D Matérn field

Simulated 2D Matérn field