Main function to do a Dirichlet Regression
share = NULL,
x0 = NULL,
tol0 = 1e-05,
tol1 = 0.1,
k0 = 20,
k1 = 5,
a = 0.5,
strategy = "ls-quasi-newton",
prec = prec,
verbose = FALSE,
cores = 1,
sim = 1000,
prediction = FALSE,
data.pred.cov = NULL,
- formula
object of class formula indicating the response variable and the covariates of the Dirichlet regression
- y
matrix containing the response variable \(R^{nxd}\), being n number of individuals and d the number of categories
- data.cov
data.frame with the covarites, only the covariates!
parameters to be fitted jointly.
- x0
initial optimization value
- tol0
- tol1
tolerance for the gradient such that |grad| < tol1 * max(1, |f|)
- k0
number of iterations
- k1
number of iterations including the calling to inla
- a
step length in the optimization algorithm
- strategy
strategy to use to optimize
- prec
precision for the prior of the fixed effects
- verbose
if TRUE all the computing process is shown. Default is FALSE
- cores
Number of cores for parallel computation. The package parallel is used.
- sim
Simulations to call inla.posterior.sample and extract linear predictor, alphas and mus. The bigger it is, better is the approximation, but more computational time.
- prediction
if TRUE we will predict with the new values of the covariates given in data.pred.cov.
- data.pred.cov
data.frame with the values for the covariates where we want to predict.
- ...
arguments for the inla command
Joaquín Martínez-Minaya jomarminaya@gmail.com
if (dirinla_safe_inla() &&
requireNamespace("DirichletReg", quietly = TRUE)) {
### In this example, we show how to fit a model using the dirinla package ###
### --- 1. Loading the libraries --- ####
### --- 2. Simulating from a Dirichlet likelihood --- ####
N <- 50 #number of data
V <- as.data.frame(matrix(runif((4) * N, 0, 1), ncol = 4)) #Covariates
names(V) <- paste0('v', 1:4)
formula <- y ~ 1 + v1 | 1 + v2 | 1 + v3 | 1 + v4
(names_cat <- formula_list(formula))
x <- c(-1.5, 1, -3, 1.5,
2, -3 , -1, 5)
mus <- exp(x) / sum(exp(x))
C <- length(names_cat)
data_stack_construct <-
data_stack_dirich(y = as.vector(rep(NA, N * C)),
covariates = names_cat,
data = V,
d = C,
n = N)
A_construct <- data_stack_construct
A_construct[1:8, ]
eta <- A_construct %*% x
alpha <- exp(eta)
alpha <- matrix(alpha,
ncol = C,
byrow = TRUE)
y_o <- DirichletReg::rdirichlet(N, alpha)
colnames(y_o) <- paste0("y", 1:C)
### --- 3. Fitting the model --- ####
y <- y_o
model.inla <- dirinlareg(
formula = y ~ 1 + v1 | 1 + v2 | 1 + v3 | 1 + v4,
y = y,
data.cov = V,
prec = 0.0001,
verbose = FALSE)
#> ---------------------- Looking for the mode -----------------
#> ---------------------- INLA call -----------------
#> ---------------------- Obtaining linear predictor -----------------
#> Call:
#> dirinlareg(formula = y ~ 1 + v1 | 1 + v2 | 1 + v3 | 1 + v4, y = y,
#> data.cov = V, prec = 1e-04, verbose = FALSE)
#> ---- FIXED EFFECTS ----
#> =======================================================================
#> y1
#> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
#> mean sd 0.025quant 0.5quant 0.975quant mode
#> intercept -1.5293 0.2922 -2.1020 -1.5293 -0.9565 -1.5293
#> v1 0.9977 0.5146 -0.0108 0.9977 2.0063 0.9977
#> =======================================================================
#> y2
#> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
#> mean sd 0.025quant 0.5quant 0.975quant mode
#> intercept -2.8538 0.2783 -3.3993 -2.8538 -2.308 -2.8538
#> v2 0.7187 0.4870 -0.2357 0.7187 1.673 0.7187
#> =======================================================================
#> y3
#> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
#> mean sd 0.025quant 0.5quant 0.975quant mode
#> intercept 1.902 0.2448 1.422 1.902 2.382 1.902
#> v3 -3.045 0.3738 -3.777 -3.045 -2.312 -3.045
#> =======================================================================
#> y4
#> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
#> mean sd 0.025quant 0.5quant 0.975quant mode
#> intercept -0.7033 0.3145 -1.320 -0.7033 -0.08698 -0.7033
#> v4 4.5247 0.4313 3.679 4.5247 5.37012 4.5247
#> =======================================================================
#> No hyperparameters in the model
#> =======================================================================
#> DIC = 1555.1541 , WAIC = 1039.5909 , LCPO = 779.5896
#> Number of observations: 50
#> Number of Categories: 4